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Under Good Manufacturing Practice-GMP Standards

Maintaining The Highest Level of Chaga Extract Production & Processing Standards
Our ChagaPURE® extracts are produced under strict pharmaceutical GMP standards and conditions at our Canadian operated and managed, state-of-the-art factory using advanced extraction technology developed by Canada’s National Research Council (NRC), Canada’s leading scientific research & development institute.
Our Commitment to Our Products

To ensure optimal results, and the highest therapeutic and anti-oxidant potential, ChagaPURE®  are full-spectrum Chaga extracts, with a high chromogenic value and total polysaccharides content, wthus ensuring the highest human bio-availability and therapeutic benefit to our consumers.

Our Guarantee of ChagaPURE® Quality and Therapeutic Value

According to the USDA, Chaga mushroom has the highest ORAC score (anti-oxidant, free radical scavenging effect) ever recorded in any natural food! 


ChagaPURE®, the standardized, full-spectrum, wild Chaga extract produced by Oceanix Nutraceutical Corporation, has an anti-oxidant ORAC value of more than 153, 200 µmol TE/100g according to independent analytical tests conducted by the world famous Brunswick Labs.


It is the highest of any mushroom, fruit or vegetable known to man! 


ChagaPURE® extracts are, therefore, unequivocally the highest quality, most potent and powerful Chaga Mushroom/Fungus extract available globally!

ChagaPURE® Production

Maintaining The Highest Level of Production & Processing Standards
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